CPA Delegation Attends 2023 AIPPI Trilateral Meeting
From 30 June to 2 July 2023, the 2023 AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights) Trilateral Meeting, organised by AIPPI China in collaboration with AIPPI Japan and AIPPI Korea, was held in Qingdao, China. During the meeting, speeches were delivered by AIPPI president Mr. Shoichi Okuyama, AIPPI secretary general Ms. Annie Tsoi, AIPPI General Secretariat executive director Ms. Judith Willert, AIPPI China president Mr. Tian Lipu, AIPPI Japan president Mr. Yuzuru Okabe, and AIPPI Korea president Mr. Seong Tahk Ahn.

China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) assistant general manager Mr. Xiong Yanfeng led a delegation comprising Electronics & Electricity Department manager Mr. Liu Peng, Mechanics & Designs Department deputy manager and Japan Team (Patent) leader Mr. Zhang Yu, Legal Affairs Department deputy manager Mr. Ji Changzhi, and Japan Team (Trademark) attorney Ms. Liu Limei attended the meeting. Assistant general manager Mr. Xiong also acted as moderator of the presentation and discussion session on patent issues related to artificial intelligence (AI) inventions.

This year's AIPPI trilateral meeting is the first meeting after three years of interruption due to the impact of the COVID epidemic. More than 100 lawyers, attorneys and judges from the intellectual property (IP) circles of China, Japan and South Korea attended the meeting. In addition to the keynote speeches, the meeting featured sessions focused respectively on the three topics of "recent IP law and practice development in China, Japan, and South Korea", "patent issues related to AI inventions", and "proving trademark use". The next trilateral meeting was scheduled to be held in Okayama, Japan in June 2024.

AIPPI, established in 1897, is a major non-government IP advisory organisation of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It currently has over 8,000 members representing more than 110 countries and regions. AIPPI China was set up in 1982 and has nearly 400 members at present. Since 2000, the trilateral meeting of AIPPI members of China, Japan and South Korea has been a highly-regarded annual event for promoting regional IP exchanges and cooperation among the AIPPI national groups.