CPA Deputy General Manager Re-elected Vice-President of China Trademark Association Trademark Attorney Branch

The Trademark Attorney Branch (TAB) of China Trademark Association has elected its 2nd board of officers at a meeting held on 10 July 2014 in Beijing. Mr. Ma Hao from CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office was elected president of TAB.
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) continues to serve on the board, with our deputy general manager Mr. Luo Hong (fourth from the right in the front row in photo above) being re-elected vice-president to a new term.
The meeting also proceeded to discuss the provisions of three industry-related draft measures, namely, Measures on Determination of Rating of Trademark Agencies (Draft), Measures on Professional Proficiency Testing for Trademark Attorneys (Draft), and Measures on China Trademark Association's Recommendation of Trademark Litigators (Draft). The said draft measures have been released to the TAB members for their comments and opinions.