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CPA General Manager Re-elected Vice President of AIPPI China


On 27 December 2024, the 2024 Congress of the China Group of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property) ("AIPPI China") was held. At the congress, Mr. Wu Yuhe, general manager of our firm China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA), was re-elected vice president of the council of AIPPI China, and Mr. Liu Peng, manager of the Electronics and Electricity Department of CPA Beijing Office, was elected member of the council.

审议第七届理事会工作报告 new

 The congress deliberated 2024 work report of AIPPI China.

第八届理事会合影 new

The 8th council of AIPPI China

The congress deliberated and approved AIPPI China's work report of 2024, outlined its future direction, and elected the president, vice presidents, directors and secretary general of its 8th council. During the congress, chairs of professional committees who had outstanding performance last year were presented with awards and retiring secretary general Mr. Li Yi was honoured with an excellence award in recognition of his contribution to the association.


CPA general manager Mr. Wu spoke at the congress. In his speech he reviewed the 127th AIPPI World Congress held in Hangzhou in October 2024, which was the first AIPPI world congress ever taken place in China. Our firm has actively participated in the world congress, and as a member of AIPPI China, we engage ardently in events and activities of AIPPI China and help convey the voice of the Chinese IP community at the international level. Mr. Wu also mentioned our deputy general manager Mr. Xiong Yanfeng's being elected as assistant reporter general of the Bureau of the AIPPI, and stated that full support will be given to Mr. Xiong's assisting in international IP development through his newly assumed role at AIPPI.

吴总发言 new

CPA general manager Mr. Wu Yuhe spoke at the AIPPI China congress.

AIPPI is the world’s leading non-profit association dedicated to the development and improvement of laws for the protection of intellectual property. It is a non-profit organisation based in Switzerland with over 8000 members worldwide from over 110 countries. Members of AIPPI include lawyers, patent attorneys, patent agents and trademark agents, judges, scientists and engineers as well as corporations.

Date:2024-12-31Return to List
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